It leaves you speechless,
then turns you into a storyteller
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About our Global Trip
We have started our trip, and after travelling around New Zealand we will ship our car ( Lara) and our caravan (Croft) to Australia to start the Big Lap and across the center of Australia in June 2024.
From Australia we will ship Lara & Croft to either Timor Leste or Singapore ( depending on the best shipping option at the time), where we plan to travel overland starting in Indonesia and stopping along the way in any place that takes our fancy, till we reach our old home of the Middle East. Then on to Europe, doing the North Africa loop and back to Europe to ship our gear to Canada, go up Alaska, from there we will drive down to Tierra del Fuego the most southern part of South America.
We have started travelling in November 2023.
Follow us on our social media platforms @caravantheworld
Our travel plan